Computer Architecture

Spring 2015

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Instructor:  Dr. M. Bag-Mohammadi

Grade:Click here
D. Patterson and J. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., Fifth Edition: 2013.

What’s Computer Architecture?

Computer Architecture is the science and art of selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create computers that meet functional, performance and cost goals. Computer architecture is not about using computers to design buildings.


Primary goals of the course are:

bullet To introduce computer architecture design
bullet Specific topics include: The design of computer systems and components. Processor design, instruction set design, and addressing; control structures and microprogramming; memory management, caches, and memory hierarchies; and interrupts and I/O structures
Prerequisite knowledge and/or skills
bullet Logic design and Boolean algebra
bullet Assembly language programming
bullet Ability to use design tools available on computer


Topics covered
bullet Introduction, basic computer organization
bullet Instruction formats, instruction sets and their design
bullet ALU design: Adders, subtracters, logic operations
bullet Datapath design
bullet Control design: Hardwired control, microprogrammed control
bullet More on arithmetic: Multiplication, division, floating point arithmetic
bullet RISC machines
bullet Pipelining
bullet Memory systems and error detection and error correction coding
bullet I/O



There will be 1 exam during the semester and a final exam at the end of the semester. 


All exams will be open book and open notes.




Assignments are due seven days from the initial day of the assignment (i.e. the following Sunday).   


Late homework will be docked 50% per class period late, unless approved arrangements are made in advance. 


All coursework must be clear, legible, and have the name, course, and assignment number in the upper right hand corner of the page. 


Cooperative group study on the homework is encouraged, but simply copying someone else’s work is unethical and will leave you unprepared for exams.

Topic Word File
Digital logic design ca-hw1-s15.docx
Performance evaluation, Ahmdal law, Iron law, Verilog ca-hw2-s15.doc
MIPS, arithmetic operation ca-hw3-s15.doc
Datapath design, pipeline ca-hw4-s15.doc
Cache -
Project Project
Grading Policy:

Final grades in the course will be based on the following weighting distribution.





Midterm 1…… 35%


Final Exam…..35%




Students are responsible for their own learning, through reading and studying the text, reviewing the lectures, and working out the homework problems.  I strongly advise that you read the upcoming material before it appears in lecture; the material will make much more sense that way. 

Lecture Notes:
Topic Chapter Lecture Note
Introductionn 1 ch1.ppt

Performance evaluation

2 ch2.ppt
Instruction Set 3 ch3.ppt
Arithmetic 1 4 ch4.ppt
Verilog - Verilog
Arithmetic 2 4 ch4b.ppt
Midterm 1-4 Midterm
Simple processor 5 ch5.ppt
Microprogramming 5 -
Pipelining 6 ch6.ppt
Cache design 7 ch7.ppt
Final 5-7 final

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